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Is TikTok Now a Trusted Search Engine?

Dictionaries are obsolete, nobody uses a thesauraus and news outlets are considered too polarized to provide a fair take on anything happening in this world. Even Wikipedia is becoming old (and we all know that fact checking there is slim to nothing). “Believe what you want to believe.” This is how we are training our children to think.

Where are our kids turning to learn things now? Social media. Young users are turning to TikTok or Instagram Reels to learn about anything from how to make applesauce to how to prepare for an interview. What about when your child wants to learn how to cook chicken? What if they watch a TikTok that suggests cooking the chicken using cough medicine? The FDA had to issue a warning here for anyone trying this “recipe”. We had chicken last night for dinner but rest assured, it was not basted in cough medicine. I have a headache from this. Maybe my ibuprofin chip cookies will take care of that.