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With Deepfakes, You Can’t Believe Your Eyes.

Seeing is no longer believing. Welcome to the world of deepfakes.

Video-editing software has advanced to the point that it’s no longer just the movie studios who can make the impossible seem real (think Luke Skywalker’s recent Mandalorian cameos).

Made with equipment available to the general public, deepfakes can appear to the casual observer to be an actual recording of a real person and event. In truth, it’s a manipulated—or, in some cases, entirely fabricated—digital movie file. A series of ones and zeros designed to deceive.

With a deepfake video, it’s possible to portray someone doing or saying something that never happened. The implications are obvious and troubling. It’s easy to imagine a deepfake video sullying someone’s reputation at work or school. In the hands of a bully, a phony video could expose a classmate to embarrassment and ridicule. We are in an era in which you can no longer believe your eyes.

What you need to know

Deepfakes are made by capturing photos or videos of someone and then grafting that person’s face or body onto another video. Artificial intelligence stitches the pieces together in ways that are becoming increasingly smooth and convincing. The more video footage of yourself and your loved ones you put out there, the more material you’re providing to would-be deepfakers.

It really does happen

The Washington Post reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who used deepfake technology to generate false videos of three high school cheerleaders, making it appear that they were naked and using drugs and alcohol. Her goal was to get the girls kicked off the Victory Vipers team because they were competing against her daughter.

To protect yourself and your children, only post images and videos in private social networks that you control. You might also consider adding a digital watermark to your videos to make them less appealing to deepfakers.

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Listen to Datacappy VPN’s Founder and CEO, Marco Bellin, on ‘The Politics of Privacy’ podcast.

“Cut off a pinky…”–Listen to some of the fun background of Marco’s passion to starting Datacappy.

And join Amber Daines of ‘The Politics of Everything’ podcast here while she discusses with Marco why protecting your privacy needs to be taken very, very seriously.


When ‘OFF’ is not really ‘OFF’.

Your iPhone has a subworld all it’s own even when it is powered down. Sounds scary, right? It is.

Wireless chips and Bluetooth cyphon your Low Power Mode (LPM) on your iPhone to run even when your phone is off. With this ‘connection’ still live, there is a risk hackers could weasel their way into your device. While the risk is not exorbitantly high at this time, it is good to be aware of the potential threats and what you can do to protect your privacy. Read here for more.


Spying on Yourself? Google’s AR Glasses Will Learn Everything About You.

Are you willing to completely give up your privacy to wear Google’s AR glasses?

Remember leaning into your friend’s ear and whispering “Shhhh. It’s a SECRET!”? Will the word “secret” eventually be obliterated from common language and symbols/emojiis? Would you agree to having every single word you say tracked and recorded? Imagine a world where there is literally zero privacy…where your interactions, locations, conversations, and your most private moments are all under constant watch. With Google’s AR glasses, worldwide, mass surveillance is coming. Are you ready? Read here how Marco Bellin, CEO and Founder of Datacappy VPN, weighs in on the threat to privacy as we know it. ?

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If you use Google, Google uses YOU.

Google knows everything about you.

By using Google’s apps, search engine, browser or anything owned by them (think YouTube, FitBit, Nest, Waze to name a few), you are giving away your privacy. Do you want to manage how much information Google gathers on you and the changes you can make to protect your private information? It’s never too late to start and now would be a good time. Click here to learn more.


Roe v. Wade and Period Tracker Apps?

Never thought we’d come to this but here we are. App by app, our privacy is slipping away. Marco Bellin, founder and CEO of Datacappy VPN, weighs in on the risks of using a period tracker or any app, for that matter, that tracks your daily data. Without any HIPAA protection within these apps, your information is completely unprotected and that’s not all. Click here to learn more.


Would you choose to keep smartphones out of your children’s hands?

Alarming statistics on the use of smartphones and children’s mental health led these parents to make a huge decision: no devices for their kids. Read about the parents who are fighting the valient fight to protect their children against social media addiction here.

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You think you have privacy protection? Think again.

The extent to which the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has gone to gather information will shock you. Driver’s license data, utility records and facial recognition technology are all fair game in their efforts to manage detention and deportation. Read the entire article here.


Parental surveillance could come at a cost. What would you do?

Phone apps now allow parents to follow every move their children make. But does keeping them safe come at a price?

Make this a dinner table discussion with your family. Food for thought! Read the full article by Tim Lewis here.

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The Digital Markets Act

Adam Satariano

By Adam Satariano March 24, 2022

GÖTTINGEN, Germany — The European Union agreed on Thursday to one of the world’s most far-reaching laws to address the power of the biggest tech companies, potentially reshaping app stores, online advertising, e-commerce, messaging services and other everyday digital tools.

Read The New York Times article, in its entirety, here.