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What’s Your Name? Data Brokers Are Selling It Right Now.

Go ahead. Search for yourself online. Your address? EASY. Your telephone number? EASY. Your family members? EASY.

Anyone wanting to find out information about you can pay quick $ for a detailed file. Public records are, well, public. Marriage licenses, driver licences, property ownership, voter registation, vehicle registration, you name it. Currently, public records are not protected and data brokers have full access. Your own government and state/local agencies are the ones who sell your information to these data brokers. If you are an activist of any kind and someone wants to harrass you, it’s not hard to find you. Read here about the nuances and difficulty in trying to scrub your personal information from the internet. We have to keep this conversation alive and spread the word. Your privacy is at grave risk.

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Are YOU the Algorithm?

Every tap on that keyboard, every search or purchase online, every time you say, “Hey Siri…” are all trackable behaviors which create your digital footprint. Take this trackable behavior a few layers deeper and you are unknowingly traveling down the tunnel of algorithms.

An algorithm, in the simplest form, is a command: “If this, then that.” For example, if this birdseed is sprinkled out on the ground, then the birds should come eat it. It’s a predictive model. If the birds do not come, then we try another area where they will come until we have success. Turning this model towards our brains on the internet, algorithms are underlying everything we do. If you spend a little time viewing puppies on Instagram, you will be served up posts and Reels that are suggestions based upon your previous puppy viewing. Instagram tracks your behavior and assumes that if you watched these puppies, then you must like puppies, dog food, dog toys, kids with puppies, puppies pooping and literally anything with puppies in it. The more you watch these suggestions, the more the algorithm fine tunes your online profile…and off you go merrily falling into the trap.

If you want to take this to an even deeper level, LinkedIn ran a series of experiments with their “People You May Know” section. Did you ever wonder how any of that worked and how “magical” it seemed that your friend you had not thought of in 30 years suddenly appeared as a contact? Your behavior while using LinkedIn was tracked for every step you took and algorithms were tested on users. Every bit of your posted information and resume was scrubbed to help build these algorithms. Were you doing the work on this platform or was it working you? Are the suggested jobs truly based upon your organic searches or upon LinkedIn’s algorithmic guesses on where to steer you? The bigger concern is whether you even knew this was happening. Did you give permission for your information to be made into a experiment and used to manipulate results? Take a look here and read more about LinkedIn’s so-called tests on its users.

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Every Move You Make

Did you know your cell phone is giving your location data away? It’s the perfect little tracker sitting right in your pocket sending out location reveals all day long (and all night). Data brokers sell your location data to the highest bidder and you will never know a thing! Location data collection runs much deeper than we think and the FTC is finally cracking down (read about it here) but it’s just a bare minimum start.

Using a VPN is a great start to masking your location details. It’s not a perfect science and ISP providers and streaming companies can still figure out you are using a VPN but they cannot see what you are doing online or your location. For public WiFi and general location privacy protection, a VPN is your best protection. You can also check your Settings on your mobile device to see what apps are turned on to always track your location. You can turn this off or set them to only pull location data when you are actively using the app. Remember, every move you make is likely being tracked whether it’s your phone, GPS in the car, using public WiFi or simply being outside and tracked with commercial surveillance cameras. It’s time to protect your privacy before it’s too late and you can’t get it back.

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Is TikTok Now a Trusted Search Engine?

Dictionaries are obsolete, nobody uses a thesauraus and news outlets are considered too polarized to provide a fair take on anything happening in this world. Even Wikipedia is becoming old (and we all know that fact checking there is slim to nothing). “Believe what you want to believe.” This is how we are training our children to think.

Where are our kids turning to learn things now? Social media. Young users are turning to TikTok or Instagram Reels to learn about anything from how to make applesauce to how to prepare for an interview. What about when your child wants to learn how to cook chicken? What if they watch a TikTok that suggests cooking the chicken using cough medicine? The FDA had to issue a warning here for anyone trying this “recipe”. We had chicken last night for dinner but rest assured, it was not basted in cough medicine. I have a headache from this. Maybe my ibuprofin chip cookies will take care of that.

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Do kindergarteners need to know their heart rate?

Apple wants to slap their watches on your children’s wrists.

Let’s add some more anxiety into our children’s lives.

Every phone call, every Siri command, every tap, every text, everything your child does with this tool will be data-tracked and kept on file with Apple. And after that, every ad your child sees on a device will be catered to your child based upon all the conversations and behavior while using the watch. If this is not enough to creep you out, we don’t know what is. Under the guise of parental control and safety, Apple is cleverly marketing their watch to younger and younger users.

Should a kindergartener obsess over heartrates? Has helicopter parenting soared to new heights? Attention spans at this young age are hard enough to manage and now, teachers will be tasked with corraling device behavior in their classrooms at an even younger age. Imagine a classroom of five-year-olds with texts pinging or buzzing on their tiny wrists. This new generation of learners has already been gobsmacked by Covid’s shrapnel. Adding an Apple Watch is just one more anxiety-provoking leash. Every move they make is being watched by their parents…and tracked by Apple.

Read more here.

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Do You Want Instagram to Remix Your Privacy?

Using Instagram’s Remix feature makes your content fair game for anyone to use. Is that what you want?

If you have a public account on Instagram, any of your posted videos or Reels are considered fair game to be remixed without permission. Important to note: The remix option in Settings is defaulted to ON (shame on you, Instagram!). A lot of people open an account and never think to make it private. Instagram capitolizes on this behavior to saturate IG social media with as much content as possible and to compete with TikTok’s Duet feature.

If you want to double-check your IG account to set it to private, that solves the Remix permissions and automatically removes the remix option. Phew! If you want your account public but do NOT want your video posts to be remixed with other random content and posted who knows where, here is how you turn that off:

1. Go to Settings

2. Tap Privacy

3. Tap Reels and Remix 

4. Under Remix, in Allow Remixing, turn OFF ‘Allow for reels’ and ‘Allow for feed videos’. Note that this new feature is auto-defaulted to ON unless you make this change.

If you want your videos remixed, leave as is but user-beware—they can show up anywhere and be used completely out of context without your permission. Remember, leaving the remix to ON means your videos can be used by anyone, anywhere.

Coming soon to a phone near you: remix for static photos. It’s already here and starting to show up as Instagram does a slow roll-out. Watermark those photos and put a (c) All Photos Copyrighted in your Instagram Bio for a small level of protection but…it’s Meta…watch out. Same settings will apply so check your account to see when you are offered the feature and turn them OFF.

To read more about the remix feature, click here.

To read more about remix on static photo posts, click here.

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How to Block In-App Purchases

Do you know about in-app purchases? If your kids are using a phone or tablet and have access to the apps on it, you definitely should. In-app purchases can escape your notice and cost you real money. The good news is, they’re easy to block.

Some apps, in particular gaming apps, allow users to buy things within the app. No need to log into a separate store—one you’ve vetted, say. The user just hits a button to buy tokens, credits, game pieces, whatever. The thing is, these virtual objects often have real-world costs, costs paid in dollars drawn from whichever account is affiliated with the device. Someone pays for it. More than likely, that’s you.

In-app purchasing happens in four main ways, according to CleverTap. Consumable purchases let you buy currency for use in games and are limited to one device.

Non-consumable purchases are used to activate options, such as to enable more swipes on a dating app. Tapping for an auto-renewing subscription is another method, with examples including streaming video services like Hulu and Netflix that will keep charging your account on a recurring basis.

Finally, there are one-time only subscriptions: You make the purchase from the publisher’s app, but you have to manually review and authorize any renewal requests.

Parents looking to avoid problems with runaway buying should know that they can block purchasing ability on the phones and tablets to which their kids have access.

If you use Android mobile phones, Pocket Lint notes that there isn’t a single option to disable all in-app purchases. Instead, you open the Google Play Store app. Tap the profile picture, then select “Settings,” and then select “Authentication.” At this point, select “Require Authentication for Purchase” with the “all purchases” option checked. Now, a password is required to make any purchases.

On iPhones and iPads, it’s a similar procedure to restrict in-app purchases. You head over to the Settings app and then access the Screen Time screen. Select “Content & Privacy Restrictions” and then tap “iTunes & App Store Purchases.” On this screen, tap “Don’t Allow” at the “In-app Purchases” option.

You can boost security by selecting the option to always require passwords when making new purchases on the purchase screens for the iTunes and App Store.

Going forward, your children will have to obtain your direct authorization if using their phone or your phone and an in-app purchasing recommendation appears. They won’t be able to use your associated bank or credit card for such purchases without supervision anymore.

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With Deepfakes, You Can’t Believe Your Eyes.

Seeing is no longer believing. Welcome to the world of deepfakes.

Video-editing software has advanced to the point that it’s no longer just the movie studios who can make the impossible seem real (think Luke Skywalker’s recent Mandalorian cameos).

Made with equipment available to the general public, deepfakes can appear to the casual observer to be an actual recording of a real person and event. In truth, it’s a manipulated—or, in some cases, entirely fabricated—digital movie file. A series of ones and zeros designed to deceive.

With a deepfake video, it’s possible to portray someone doing or saying something that never happened. The implications are obvious and troubling. It’s easy to imagine a deepfake video sullying someone’s reputation at work or school. In the hands of a bully, a phony video could expose a classmate to embarrassment and ridicule. We are in an era in which you can no longer believe your eyes.

What you need to know

Deepfakes are made by capturing photos or videos of someone and then grafting that person’s face or body onto another video. Artificial intelligence stitches the pieces together in ways that are becoming increasingly smooth and convincing. The more video footage of yourself and your loved ones you put out there, the more material you’re providing to would-be deepfakers.

It really does happen

The Washington Post reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who used deepfake technology to generate false videos of three high school cheerleaders, making it appear that they were naked and using drugs and alcohol. Her goal was to get the girls kicked off the Victory Vipers team because they were competing against her daughter.

To protect yourself and your children, only post images and videos in private social networks that you control. You might also consider adding a digital watermark to your videos to make them less appealing to deepfakers.

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If you use Google, Google uses YOU.

Google knows everything about you.

By using Google’s apps, search engine, browser or anything owned by them (think YouTube, FitBit, Nest, Waze to name a few), you are giving away your privacy. Do you want to manage how much information Google gathers on you and the changes you can make to protect your private information? It’s never too late to start and now would be a good time. Click here to learn more.

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You think you have privacy protection? Think again.

The extent to which the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has gone to gather information will shock you. Driver’s license data, utility records and facial recognition technology are all fair game in their efforts to manage detention and deportation. Read the entire article here.