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How to Block In-App Purchases

Do you know about in-app purchases? If your kids are using a phone or tablet and have access to the apps on it, you definitely should. In-app purchases can escape your notice and cost you real money. The good news is, they’re easy to block.

Some apps, in particular gaming apps, allow users to buy things within the app. No need to log into a separate store—one you’ve vetted, say. The user just hits a button to buy tokens, credits, game pieces, whatever. The thing is, these virtual objects often have real-world costs, costs paid in dollars drawn from whichever account is affiliated with the device. Someone pays for it. More than likely, that’s you.

In-app purchasing happens in four main ways, according to CleverTap. Consumable purchases let you buy currency for use in games and are limited to one device.

Non-consumable purchases are used to activate options, such as to enable more swipes on a dating app. Tapping for an auto-renewing subscription is another method, with examples including streaming video services like Hulu and Netflix that will keep charging your account on a recurring basis.

Finally, there are one-time only subscriptions: You make the purchase from the publisher’s app, but you have to manually review and authorize any renewal requests.

Parents looking to avoid problems with runaway buying should know that they can block purchasing ability on the phones and tablets to which their kids have access.

If you use Android mobile phones, Pocket Lint notes that there isn’t a single option to disable all in-app purchases. Instead, you open the Google Play Store app. Tap the profile picture, then select “Settings,” and then select “Authentication.” At this point, select “Require Authentication for Purchase” with the “all purchases” option checked. Now, a password is required to make any purchases.

On iPhones and iPads, it’s a similar procedure to restrict in-app purchases. You head over to the Settings app and then access the Screen Time screen. Select “Content & Privacy Restrictions” and then tap “iTunes & App Store Purchases.” On this screen, tap “Don’t Allow” at the “In-app Purchases” option.

You can boost security by selecting the option to always require passwords when making new purchases on the purchase screens for the iTunes and App Store.

Going forward, your children will have to obtain your direct authorization if using their phone or your phone and an in-app purchasing recommendation appears. They won’t be able to use your associated bank or credit card for such purchases without supervision anymore.

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With Deepfakes, You Can’t Believe Your Eyes.

Seeing is no longer believing. Welcome to the world of deepfakes.

Video-editing software has advanced to the point that it’s no longer just the movie studios who can make the impossible seem real (think Luke Skywalker’s recent Mandalorian cameos).

Made with equipment available to the general public, deepfakes can appear to the casual observer to be an actual recording of a real person and event. In truth, it’s a manipulated—or, in some cases, entirely fabricated—digital movie file. A series of ones and zeros designed to deceive.

With a deepfake video, it’s possible to portray someone doing or saying something that never happened. The implications are obvious and troubling. It’s easy to imagine a deepfake video sullying someone’s reputation at work or school. In the hands of a bully, a phony video could expose a classmate to embarrassment and ridicule. We are in an era in which you can no longer believe your eyes.

What you need to know

Deepfakes are made by capturing photos or videos of someone and then grafting that person’s face or body onto another video. Artificial intelligence stitches the pieces together in ways that are becoming increasingly smooth and convincing. The more video footage of yourself and your loved ones you put out there, the more material you’re providing to would-be deepfakers.

It really does happen

The Washington Post reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who used deepfake technology to generate false videos of three high school cheerleaders, making it appear that they were naked and using drugs and alcohol. Her goal was to get the girls kicked off the Victory Vipers team because they were competing against her daughter.

To protect yourself and your children, only post images and videos in private social networks that you control. You might also consider adding a digital watermark to your videos to make them less appealing to deepfakers.

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If you use Google, Google uses YOU.

Google knows everything about you.

By using Google’s apps, search engine, browser or anything owned by them (think YouTube, FitBit, Nest, Waze to name a few), you are giving away your privacy. Do you want to manage how much information Google gathers on you and the changes you can make to protect your private information? It’s never too late to start and now would be a good time. Click here to learn more.

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You think you have privacy protection? Think again.

The extent to which the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has gone to gather information will shock you. Driver’s license data, utility records and facial recognition technology are all fair game in their efforts to manage detention and deportation. Read the entire article here.

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Who is this guy?

Only a few years ago “Musk” was a bad perfume (and some would say it still is). It’s now almost impossible to list the innovations associated with the name “Musk”. But like the laundry list of other brands that have transformed from “good” too “bad”, Elon and his Twitter purchase risk a similar fate. Yet again, he never ceases to surprise… And you can ask a lot of institutional investors, it can be costly to bet against him.

So what to make of this Twitter purchase? Dorsey seems on board. Is it a caprice of the ultra-wealthy? The mainstream media seems to think so. Is there some innovative vision behind the purchase? His fan club is on-board. Are there integration possibilities, us commoners refuse to see? A Twitter-SpaceX-Boring Phone? Maybe more profoundly, what impact will his purchase have on privacy and ultimately free speech?

The response to this question is more clear. Instead of leaving the rules for this public-square moderation in the hands of a “corporation”, they’re moving firmly into the hands of an “individual”. One thing that would dull the fear of so much influence resting in the hands of Musk, would be to open-source the algorithms that drive’s Twitter’s success.

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The Digital Markets Act

Adam Satariano

By Adam Satariano March 24, 2022

GÖTTINGEN, Germany — The European Union agreed on Thursday to one of the world’s most far-reaching laws to address the power of the biggest tech companies, potentially reshaping app stores, online advertising, e-commerce, messaging services and other everyday digital tools.

Read The New York Times article, in its entirety, here.

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Blockchain in Three Minutes.

Blockchain has become a household name and a pop-culture staple. And yet, for many, it’s still a mystery.

In its simplest form, blockchain is a digital ledger. It keeps track of transactions and creates a permanent record of digital activity, leaving no dispute as to who owns something or to whom ownership has been transferred in the past. But blockchain isn’t the item, but it is an essential part of the package because it acts as a certificate of authenticity. Are you understanding blockchain yet? Stick with us.

Blockchain is in its relative infancy, but it’s risen to prominence in popular culture because of its association with cryptocurrency and NFTs. In these technologies, blockchain is the system through which ownership history is documented. But blockchain has applications beyond crypto and nifties. Blockchain can be used to document the history and ownership of any digital asset, including applications that don’t currently exist. For example, if the nature of digital music distribution changes in the future, blockchain might have a role to play.

While blockchain is often spoken about in rosy terms in the media, the reality is less clear. The ability to document digital assets is necessary, especially as the world becomes more digital than ever, but convenience comes at a cost. Free isn’t free, after all. It’s undeniable that blockchain is a major drain on energy, largely because of the massive power consumption of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, blockchain possesses a significant privacy risk. Though it’s clear that nothing on the Internet is ever truly private, unalterable ledgers like blockchain make it impossible to erase mistakes or regrettable purchases. The applications for this level of tracking may spill over into areas of online record keeping beyond blockchain.

Another concern with blockchain is its security. Despite the reputation of blockchain records being unalterable, the popularity of blockchain makes it a popular target for hackers. This is done through conventional hacking techniques such as phishing, but also through threats that are less well-known. Routing attacks involve intercepting data in real-time. In this scenario, hackers intercept data as it’s being transferred, giving them access to private data without the blockchain knowing it’s been hacked. In another type of attack, a group that is able to obtain more than 50% of a blockchain’s mining power essentially takes control of that blockchain, giving that group the ability to manipulate the ledger as it sees fit.

In spite of the valid concerns that are associated with blockchain, the popularity of digital assets like NFTs and cryptocurrency means that blockchain is here to stay. Understanding blockchain, therefore, is a wise move. Those who invest in digital assets, including those who aren’t generally associated with blockchain, need to understand the security issues, permanence and energy usage associated with blockchain. Parents should also consider how blockchain’s record keeping could negatively impact family members. Blockchain aims to be a positive part of the Internet by bringing order and reliability to digital transactions, but it does come with some strings attached.

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Talking Digital Insecurity and Surveillance Capitalism With Datacappy.

Listen to our very own Marco Bellin, the engineer behind the Datacappy VPN (built on the open-source WireGuard) and the author of on the Tech Talks Daily podcast with Neil C. Hughes.

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The American Innovation and Choice Online Act.

Marco Bellin, CEO and founder of Datacappy, weighs in here on The American Innovation and Choice Online Act in MarketWatch’s latest feature on the bipartisan bill aimed at curtailing Big Tech’s massive power.

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Free WiFi comes at a cost: your privacy.

You’re waiting on an oil change at the car dealer, and it’s easy and “free” to connect your tablet to the public WiFi so your child can play an online game. Once you click “Accept & Agree,” you’ve gained access to the free WiFi and digitally told the business that you agree to their terms for using this service. Unfortunately, there are hidden costs of using that free public WiFi.

The term “free” is something most people, especially parents on a budget, appreciate. We enjoy free samples at the grocery store, BOGO deals, and free WiFi when at a cafe, hotel, airport, or other public place. However, have you thought about what really happens when you or your children take advantage of that “free” WiFi? You’re risking personal privacy and safety.

Whether you’re supervising your child’s tablet use while waiting on an oil change or your teen is posting to social media at the movies with friends, the hidden costs of free WiFi usage apply. There are many ways our personal data is compromised and used via public WiFi and popular appsHackers steal passwords, putting your money, identity, and safety at risk. Your phone and email contacts as well as call logs and calendar data can be read and stolen, too. Businesses and even non-profit organizations may track your personal history online, often as a means for target advertising, but still invasive. In some cases, even real-time personal location is tracked.

Criminals use personal data to steal money and identities. Child identity theft has risen significantly in the last several years and often isn’t discovered until the child applies for a driver’s license or credit card. Privacy also is invaded when permissions are unwittingly given (clicking that “Accept & Agree” box). Your personal data may be used to see the websites you’re visiting as well as browsing history. Data collected is given to third parties, other companies that store and use data to target potential consumers.

Parenting is hard enough without the constant worry of online safety. We live in a digital era, but we can take charge of our online safety. Here are some easy-to-follow tips:

  1. Turn off Bluetooth features in public spaces.
  2. Turn off the device feature that allows for auto-connect to WiFi hotspots.
  3. Always check the privacy settings of devices to opt out of data collection.
  4. Check that any website used is secured with HTTPS protocol and not just HTTP (Read: “How Secure Is HTTPS?”).
  5. Look for the “Secure” and little lock symbol before HTTPS in the website address bar.
  6. Consider using a VPN (try Datacappy!) when accessing public WiFi.